
Home 5 Solutions 5 Commercial Vehicle Enforcement 5 Mainline E-Screening Systems

Mainline E-Screening Systems

IRD’s Mainline Electronic Screening (E-Screening) systems screen commercial vehicles on the mainline highway upstream from a weight enforcement station.

Vehicles are screened and tracked as they pass over the Sorter System sensors. Vehicles that are potentially in violation of regulations and credentials will be signaled to exit to the inspection station ramp; vehicles that are in compliance will be signaled to bypass the station.

  • Efficiency; only potential violations of regulations, credentials and safety are flagged to exit to the weigh station
  • Reduced vehicle emissions, congestion, delay
  • Reduced weigh station real estate
  • Enhanced safety

IRD’s intelligent Roadside Operations Computer (iROC) enables real-time credential and safety screening:


  • Credential and safety screening against FMCSA and SAFER databases
  • Connects with state databases to enabling screening for intrastate vehicles, permit and tax violations
  • Site-managed hotlists and credential override lists
  • Allows operators to create referrals for further processing within inspection facilities
  • Provides a data store for future analysis of commercial vehicle operations using IRD’s VI²M™ software